
Pinata Sizes Comparison Chart

PLEASE NOTE: Chart demonstrates sizes in typical Stand up Pinata, slim style. We make sure all pinatas in each size category have similar cubic inches, no matter if your pinata is a stand up style, round or any other shape. Rest assured that you are getting the right size you ordered...

Are you looking for an exciting party game idea to play at your child's indoor birthday party? Pull pinatas are designed for parents who prefer to have their children (particularly small children) play safer games or if the party game area is indoors.The pull ribbon pinata is the gentler version...

To complete this project you will need a pair of scissors and school glue. 1) Cut a 3"x3"x3" flap on bottom of piñata, as close to center as possible. Perforate two small holes in middle of flap. 2) From the inside, attach the piñata trap activator to flap, bring ribbon...

How to Play Pinata Party Game

THE PINATA GAME MUST ALWAYS BE PLAYED UNDER ADULT SUPERVISION!Whether you are hosting an adult or kids indoor or outdoor party, the pinata party game is bound to be the highlight of the event. It's a fun game for birthdays and a great party game idea for any other occasion as...